“I went to a workshop with Kerry and I can honestly say it was the most powerful and deeply releasing experience I have ever had. The beautiful nurturing environment, support, and energy guided me to let go of deep feelings and emotions that I was not even aware of. I had a deep connection to my true self and felt free of my body and limiting thoughts. In one session, I cried, sobbed, laughed and relaxed deeply as I let go of layers of emotions. I will never forget this experience. It was truly transformational, healing and empowering. Just incredible ”
Conscious Connected Breathing allows deep awareness of self and our connection with self, others and nature to develop, providing the groundwork for profound personal development.
What to expect in a Breathwork session?
How is it done?
A private session is usually broken into three parts, around 30 minutes talking and exploring issues, up to 1hr of breathwork and then another 20 minutes or so of integration and talking, depending on the session.
The conscious breathing session is usually done lying down in a relaxed and comfortable place.
You learn to consciously connect your breath so that there are no pauses between the inhale and the exhale. The breathing is full and also relaxed. Slowly you are guided to find your own rhythm, probably slightly faster and fuller than you are used to.
There might be music playing.
How does it work?
It is based on the belief that the body wants to heal itself and it has everything it needs to be able to do this. Your body will always be working towards that state of balance, and by accessing this healing space within ourselves our awareness is brought to whatever needs to be resolved. That is why every session is so different.
So the breath acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, between the mind, body and the spirit. By connecting with the breath we can tune into our deep intuition, which will always direct us to the best outcome.
What happens?
Through breathing continuously in a balanced cycle without break, your body is given the space to communicate.
Activation of vivid memories, pictures, emotions or body sensations can surface to be reviewed, released and integrated. These can come from as early back as your birth.
You will always know where you are, you are merely observing yourself, as an onlooker.
Through conscious connected breathing you accumulate life force (prana, chi, ki) which starts to move freely through you body (experienced as tingling, energy rushes or waves).
You can often feel a number of sensations, like tingling and numbness, and changes in temperature as well as sensing energy movements in your body.
The breathwork practitioner
Will be there to hold the space for you and to guide the breath & the journey
To help you integrate whatever comes up in the session
They will be non-judgmental and compassionate
It is important to be able to form a trusting relationship with your practitioner
Whatever comes up for you is the most important for you at this time. It is important to trust that you will only experience what you are ready to explore
Each breathing session is unique so it’s best to come with an open mind and not to have expectation.